Category: Uncategorized

  • The offer

    Went in today … They have 24 hours to respond … 🤞

  • The counter

    For those of you not familiar with the Canadian way of buying and and selling property, they have a very simple approach. The potential buyer makes a signed offer, with any conditions they may choose to apply (financing, surgery etc). The seller can then do one of the things. Accept – they sign the offer…

  • First impressions

    … are very favorable! The listing didn’t do it justice. There are two awesome outbuildings both with tall, secure doors, several other outbuildings including a garage with a cedar shingle roof and a larger shed with three bays and a metal roof. Phoned the realtor on my way home and he’s going to set up…

  • It begins … finally

    Today, after three years of looking, I found the acreage that ticks 95% of my boxes including outbuildings and location. The only negative is that the water is a cistern, but with plenty of metal roofed buildings for water collection and a composting toilet or two, I’m confident that won’t be an overly onerous consideration.…